Tamil Nadu: PDS staff suspended after video of rice smuggling goes viral

A woman public distribution system (PDS) shop vendor from Mela Ponnagaram in Madurai city was placed under suspension after a video of her smuggling PDS rice from the shop went viral recently. Tamil Nadu civil supplies corporation regional manager K S Murugesan placed the vendor Rajeswari under suspension for bringing disrepute to the department.

After the video of smuggling rice using autorickshaws went viral, some people picked up a quarrel with Rajeswari.

The public complained about the incident to local corporation councillor V Jenniammal from ward 56. Jenniammal, who is also district secretary of All India Democratic Women Association submitted a petition to Madurai collector M S Sangeetha to initiate action against the vendor. Based on these developments, TNCSC officials from the Madurai regional office raided the shop and inspected the stock and the ledgers.

The officials found the complaints true and recommended action against the vendor. So, Rajeswari was placed under suspension pending departmental action. During investigation, the vendor allegedly told officials that she had been pressured by local politicians to supply PDS items to their homes and they were using the viral video to blackmail her.

This article has been republished from The Times of India.

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