Assam: Locust infestation ravages Gohpur paddy fields, farmers left in distress

Farmers in Assam’s Gohpur region are grappling with a severe locust infestation that has wreaked havoc on paddy crops across vast stretches of agricultural land. The charha pest has damaged bigha after bigha of crops, leaving the fields that once appeared lush green now stark white. 

Despite the severity of the situation, no officials from the agriculture department have visited the affected areas, and no medicines have been supplied to farmers to combat the pest attack.

The locust infestation has primarily affected agricultural lands in Jaranigaon, Dubia, and other fields in the Gohpur region. After the recent floods, farmers had managed to resume paddy cultivation with great difficulty, only to face this new crisis. 

The infestation has left farmers in a state of despair, with one local woman expressing her concern: “Our paddy fields have been devastated by insects. At this point, even a single spark could set the entire field ablaze. Let’s see what the government does about this; only the agriculture department might have the answers.”

The farmers’ plight is further exacerbated by the absence of any response from the local authorities. Despite the widespread damage, no officials or employees from the agriculture department have visited the affected areas to assess the situation or provide relief. 

Farmers have also alleged that no gram sevak has inspected the fields or supplied the necessary medicines to prevent the pest infestation.

This article has been republished from The India Today NE

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