Global interest in Telangana rice, export plans underway

By Roushan Ali

Telangana’s rice is gaining demand not only from states like West Bengal, Bihar, Tamil Nadu, and Kerala but also from countries such as Malaysia, the Philippines, and several others across Asia.

Telangana’s rice is gaining demand not only from states like West Bengal, Bihar, Tamil Nadu, and Kerala, but also from countries such as Malaysia, the Philippines, and several others across Asia.

While the food corporation of India (FCI) is taking rice from Telangana and supplying it to other states in the country under the public distribution system, the state govt, through its civil supplies corporation, is all set to export rice to the Philippines and a few other countries.

The Telangana govt has also received approval from the Govt of India to export rice to the Philippines, with plans in place to export at least 10 lakh metric tonnes of the coarse variety of rice. An official agreement with the Philippines is likely to be signed within a week. Talks are also underway with other countries for supply of the coarse variety rice from Telangana.

“Countries like Malaysia, Indonesia, and several others in Asia have expressed strong interest in sourcing rice from Telangana. However, the state govt and the civil supplies corporation are keeping the details under wraps due to intense competition in the rice export market,” said a source.

Enquiries by the TOI revealed that the initiative gained momentum following the Global Rice Summit 2024 held in Hyderabad in June. Civil supplies corporation chairman DS Chauhan presented the top varieties of rice produced in Telangana to the participants. Over 500 stakeholders, including exporters, experts, researchers, and market leaders from various countries and Indian states, participated.Chauhan confirmed that they started receiving enquiries from some of the countries after the rice summit but refused to give details, stating that the deal for exporting rice with one of the countries is in advanced stages and that plans are afoot to export it to a few other countries.

Sources also said the civil supplies corporation sent eight different samples of Telangana’s rice varieties to the Philippines govt. Officials and elected representatives cooked the rice on spot and consumed it. They also stored some of it to examine the quality. After conducting quality tests, the Philippines authorities were satisfied with the product and placed an order.Officials noted that if these initiatives succeed, Telangana could become one of the country’s leading rice exporters among Indian states.

This article has been republished from The Times of India

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