Haryana:1,900 quintals of paddy missing in 2 mills

By Parveen Arora

Days after nearly 4,000 quintals of paddy was found missing from a rice mill, the district administration has found two more mills short of nearly 1,900 quintals of paddy stock. It indicates discrepancies allegedly in paddy procurement and the allocation process in the Custom-Milled Rice (CMR) 2024-25 season.

A team led by Assistant Commissioner Under Training (ACUT), Yogesh Saini, has found a shortage of around 1,200 quintals of paddy short in Shiv Om Rice Mill in Gharaunda and nearly 700 quintals in Shiv Ram Rice Mill in Indri. However, the team members also found nearly 780 quintals of paddy less in two mills, but both were within norms after allowing the provision of 1 per cent driage as per milling policy, according to the report of the team which is conducting surprise physical verification in the district on the directions of Additional Deputy Commissioner Yash Jaluka.

After reports of irregularities in issuance of gate passes as well as allotment of paddy, ADC Jaluka constituted a team led by ACUT Yogesh Saini to conduct and supervise physical verification and enquire into the deletion of gate passes. During physical verification, the team members found around 4,000 quintals of paddy less at a rice mill in the Kunjpura area.

The findings of the physical verification report have been submitted to the ADC by ACUT Saini, who has directed the District Food Supplies Controller (DFSC) to take action against the mills.

“I have submitted my report to ADC Karnal, who will take further action in this case,” said Yogesh Saini. ADC Yash Jaluka said the DFSC had been directed to issue notices and take action as per the policy.

Karnal DC Uttam Singh said discrepancies would not be tolerated at any stage and those who were involved would not be spared. The Tribune had highlighted the issue of deletion of gate passes of nearly 98,000 quintals of paddy across nine grain markets. Besides, the anomaly of issuance of multiple gate passes within a few seconds was also brought to light. In just 23 seconds, two gate passes were issued, which as per the authorities, is not feasible. Experts have also highlighted the missing of huge quantities of paddy that indicated connivance of employees and officials of market committees.

This article has been republished from The Tribune

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